Raport sustenabilitate

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PENNY ROMANIA 2020 3/132 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PENNY - a sustainable business model 4 Our achievements in 2020 5 About us 7 Ethics and integrity 16 Partnerships and affiliations 19 Corporate governance and management 22 Risk management and compliance 23 Sustainability strategy 25 Sustainable assortment 44 Ethics in the supply chain 48 Responsible treatment of farm animals 57 Environmental protection 61 Nutrition 63 Risk management on logistics and products 66 Energy, climate and resources 67 Energy efficiency 71 Climate protection 80 Conservation of resources 84 Logistics and mobility 90 Risk management - energy, climate and resources 93 Employees and society 95 Employees 99 Food waste management 116 Social responsibility and local communities 118 Education and awareness 122 Risk management for employees and society 124 About the report 126 GRI Index 128