SROI “Education builds the future.” Building the BufKids Cen

2 “Education builds the future” Building the BufKids Center and Cafeteria| SROI Demonstrating the Outcomes Theory of Change Based on the current SROI study, a theory of change was formulated to captures the significant outcomes experienced by the direct beneficiaries. Funding the construction of BufKids Center Funding the construction of BufKids Cafeteria Involving family members and members of local community for BufKids Center and Cafeteria activities Providing one hot nutritious meal a day for 50 children/year Carrying out after-school and pre-school activities for 50 children/year, including non-formal education activities, extracurricular activities and psychological support Avoiding situations of school dropout and absenteeism Better academic performance for children Improved social skills for children Improved overall mental health for children Improved nutrition for children, including the development of healthier eating habits Better communication between children and family members involved in BufKids activities Improved community collaboration Development of educational and social infrastructure for the Buftea community Improved school performance Improved life quality for children Improved family dynamics Community developemnt Input Activities enabled Outputs Outcomes