SROI “Education builds the future.” Building the BufKids Cen

2 “Education builds the future” Building the BufKids Center and Cafeteria| SROI Methodology Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a methodology designed to assess the overall value created by an organization's activities for all its stakeholders. It is based on established principles of economics, accounting, and social research. The SROI analysis seeks to quantify and value the significant changes experienced by all stakeholders impacted by the organization's activities. To achieve this, extensive data collection is required from each stakeholder group that may be positively or negatively affected. This data helps to understand, measure, and value the outcomes experienced by stakeholders, demonstrating whether a material change has occurred as a result of the organization or program activities under evaluation. The children who benefited from the BufKids Center and Cafeteria are the primary stakeholder group for the services included in this SROI analysis. The SROI evaluation of the BufKids Center and Cafeteria project was conducted in accordance with social value principles. The approach taken for this SROI calculation is evaluative and is based on outcomes (actual and expected) that occur as a result of the services provided by the center. The SROI analysis followed the seven principles of SROI and included the following steps: 1 Agree on the scope 2 Develop a stakeholder map 3 Recruitment of participants for research 7 Input data to value map to calculate the SROI ratio 8 Develop conclusions and recommendations 4 Conduct interviews and focus groups to identify outcomes and develop Theories of Changes 5 Conduct quantitative research to gather further data on outcomes and quantify stakeholders’ experiences hange 6 Analyze data and conduct supporting research review to clarify assumptions Figure 1– Phases of SROI project development Stakeholder mapping Stakeholders identified during project analysis, research and interviews for the BufKids Center and Cafeteria Other project partners Habitat for Humanity Romania Local Authorities Children from the Buftea Community Families of the children / local community PENNY Romania (including volunteers)