SROI “Education builds the future.” Building the BufKids Cen

Results of SROI analysis Social benefits For each 1 Euro contributed by PENNY Romania towards the building of the BufKids Center and Cafeteria, it resulted in € 10.13 of social and economic value within the community. To determine the Social Return on Investment (SROI) ratio, a comparison was made between the investments (inputs) and the combined financial, social, and environmental returns (outcomes and impact). This dynamic calculation method involved assessing the total adjusted value of the results, taking into account factors such as deadweight, attribution, and inflation adjustment. By dividing this adjusted value by the total value of inputs, a comprehensive SROI ratio was obtained, providing an accurate measure of the intervention’s true impact. € 7,309,752 Funding period Total Present Value (TVP) € 6,588,114 Net Present Value (NPV) € 10.13 SROI Ratio (TVP/Input) Testimonials from the beneficiaries My friends from the Centre and I were watching the construction site in the centre yard every day. We enjoyed watching our future canteen grow! It is so big and beautiful, and I like that we can pass from the centre directly to the canteen!” Alex, 12 year-old beneficiary boy from Buftea A lot of people came to help build our cafeteria! I can’t wait for us to eat in the new building together. We are already talking to each other about how we will eat and cook together, and I promised Mrs. Petruta that we will also help set the table and keep the dining area clean and tidy. We like to take care of our centre because it is beautiful and colorful and brings us joy. I have more friends here than at school and I like the teachers better because they are all nice to us. When I grow up, I want to help people too, just like the volunteers are doing now and like Mrs. Petruta and Flori, Tantica are helping us now. Helping others seem to me to be the best job in the world.” Adelina, 9 year-old beneficiary girl from Buftea Total Investment In order to support the vulnerable children from the Buftea community, a total of € 721,638 (RON 3,589,783) was funded by corporate sponsors for the building of the BufKids Center and Cafeteria, out of which: Educational center: € 345,035 Cafeteria: € 376,603 PENNY Romania, as a strategic partner, has funded 35% of the total sum for each of the buildings, representing a total of € 250,000. € 250,000 This funding allocation demonstrates a balanced sharing of financial responsibilities between the investing partners. Beyond the direct financial contribution, PENNY Romania also allocated support in the form of volunteers working hours and gift collection initiatives, reinforcing their dedication to improving the lives of the target beneficiaries. The combined efforts of project partners demonstrate their steadfast dedication to enhancing the quality of life for these at-risk communities.