Raport Sustenabilitate

SASB Standard Reference Name Page FB-FR-000.A Number of retail locations and distribution centers 18, 19 FB-FR-000.C Number of vehicles in commercial fleet 111, 112 FB-FR-110a.1 Fleet fuel consumed 111, 112 FB-FR-110b.1 Gross global Scope 1 emissions from refrigerants 103 FB-FR-130a.1 Operational energy consumed 95-96 FB-FR-230a.1 Number of data breaches 30 FB-FR-230a.2 Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks 30 FB-FR-250a.2 (1) Number of recalls, (2) number of units recalled, (3) percentage of units recalled that are private-label products 69 FB-FR-260a.2 Discussion about the management process of nutritional and health concerns among consumers 84-86 FB-FR-270a.1 Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry or regulatory labeling and/or marketing codes 33 FB-FR-430a.3 Discussion of strategy to manage environmental and social risks within the supply chain, including animal welfare 66 FB-FR-430a.4 Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging 82, 109 CONTENT ABOUT PENNY SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY SUSTAINABILITY STEP BY STEP SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY REPORT ASSURANCE GRI & SASB INDEX