Raport Sustenabilitate

CONTENT ABOUT PENNY SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY SUSTAINABILITY STEP BY STEP SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY REPORT ASSURANCE GRI & SASB INDEX ”IT systems and information technology represent the path to a better future and evolution at all levels of activity. At PENNY Romania, we attach great importance to innovation and development in this direction, being the reason why we emphasize cyber security, which allows for the optimal management of our IT technologies and the protection of all users. At the same time, we put technology at the service of the ambition of sustainability. We harness the full potential of our systems (Cloud Sustainable Coding, Green IT, Paperless, and E-Recycling) to implement responsible strategies throughout the company, as well as to discover untapped potential through sustainable practices. As sustainability becomes imperative, companies must understand the value of integrating best practices and reshaping their business and processes to contribute to a better world.” Mircea Bucur – Head of IT department