Sustainability Report 2023

Caravan for girls and women from disadvantaged rural areas Partner: Save the Children Romania Organization Goal: Ensuring a better life for mothers and children from vulnerable communities By continuing the project in 2023, we supported the development of a better social environment for mothers and their children who are part of vulnerable communities, thus building a safe environment for children, mothers, and future underage mothers. The caravan for girls and women in rural areas continued to provide health services through specialized medical check-ups for pregnant women and young girls, with high predictability of becoming pregnant at an early age. In 2023, the project supported 300 girls and women from Mureș and Timiș counties, who benefited from 300 medical care kits and information sessions for pregnant women to reduce cases of infant and maternal mortality. Put an extra portion on the table Partner: Save the Children Romania Organization Goal: To prevent school dropout by providing support according to identified needs The educational programs are conducted in partnership with schools from disadvantaged communities and aim to reduce absenteeism and school dropout. Our involvement in this project began in 2021, when we supported 100 children from Save the Children educational centers in Timisoara to have access to a daily hot meal for 2 months. In 2023 we supported 3 different communities in Bucharest, Constanta and Târgoviște. PENNY Romania’s contribution was directed towards providing daily hot meals and developing educational and social service packages. We also aimed to promote this initiative by involving our clients in supporting these initiatives, structuring certain loyalty campaigns to direct part of the revenues to this project. More information about loyalty campaigns can be found in the section "CSR – part of Loyalty campaigns". În campania anterioară, am sprijinit 100 de copii din centrele educaționale aflate în Timișoara ale Organizației Salvați Copiii să aibă acces la o masă caldă zilnică timp de 2 luni. Și pentru asta vrem să îți mulțumim! Îți propunem să ne rămâi alături și împreună să facem și mai mult bine. Alătură-te, împreună cu PENNY și Organizația Salvați Copiii, programului „Pune o porție în plus la masă” menit să ofere o masă caldă zilnică unui număr de aproximativ 70 de copii din centrele educaționale ale organizației, în centrele din București. Pune o porție în plus la masă Economisim bani, nudrag s e Cumpără una sau mai multe caserole și o parte din banii obținuți din vânzări vor merge către dezvoltarea unui pachet de servicii educaționale și sociale dedicat sprijinului acestor copii. SUSTAINABILITY STEP BY STEP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY GRI & SASB INDEX ASSURANCE OF SELECTED NON-FINANCIAL INDICATORS