Sustainability Report 2023

SDG SDG-specific targets PENNY Sustainability Pillar 1.3 Implement adequate social protection systems at national level and the necessary measures, including the implementation of the guaranteed minimum income, for substantial coverage of the poor and vulnerable by 2030. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale agricultural producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value creation and employment in non-agricultural activities. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY SUSTENABIL ASSORTMENT 3.8 Achieving universal health coverage, including protection against financial risks, access to quality essential health care services, and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and qualitative primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to accessible and qualitative technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 5.5 Ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities in leadership positions at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 7.2 By 2030, substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES 7.3 By 2030, double the overall rate of improvement in energy efficiency. ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES 7.a By 2030, strengthen international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology. ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES 8.2 Achieve higher levels of productivity through diversification, technological modernization, and innovation, including a focus on sectors with higher added value and labor-intensive. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 8.5 By 2030, full, and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young people and persons with disabilities, as well as equal pay for work of equal value. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY SDG SDG-specific targets PENNY Sustainability Pillar 9.4 By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and rehabilitate industries to become sustainable, with increased resource efficiency and increased uptake of clean and environmentally friendly industrial technologies and processes, with all countries acting in line with their respective capacities. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 10.4 Adopt policies, in particular tax, wages, and social protection, with a view to progressively achieving greater equality. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 11.2 Accessible and sustainable transport systems EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 11.6 Reducing the environmental impact of cities ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 12.2 By 2030, achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 12.3 By 2030, halving global food waste at retail and consumer level and reducing food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGIE, CLIMĂ ȘI RESURSE EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 12.5 By 2030, significantly reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES 12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle. ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES 12.8 By 2030, people everywhere must have relevant information and be aware of sustainable development and a lifestyle in harmony with nature. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning. ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES 13.3 Improve human and institutional education, awareness and capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning. ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES 14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, especially from land-based activities, including marine litter pollution and nutrient pollution. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 15.6 Promote the fair and equitable distribution of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to these resources, as internationally agreed. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 16.5 Significantly reduce corruption and bribery in all its forms. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 16.7 Ensuring responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making at all levels. SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT 17.16Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technologies and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, especially in developing countries. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY 17.17Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, based on the experience and resource strategies of partnerships. EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals SUSTAINABILITY STEP BY STEP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY GRI & SASB INDEX ASSURANCE OF SELECTED NON-FINANCIAL INDICATORS