z Integration and evaluation of responses considering the 2023 internal and external questionnaire z Integration and evaluation of interview responses z Materiality matrix (summary) Integration and assessment z New global trends at sector level z Value Chain Analysis z Contextual analysis z Sector-wide challenges z Associated opportunities and risks for the business and the direct operational area z Climate risks z Industry Standards Analysis, SASB Reanalysis of relevant topics by sector 1 z Potential analysis of stakeholder needs from an internal perspective (Sustainability Committee) z Internal management analysis z Stakeholder engagement / Internal-external survey (questionnaire) on two areas of intervention – analysis of the impact on the environment and society and analysis of the importance attributed by stakeholders to material topics Internal and external significance analysis / Internal-external environmental and social impact analysis 2 z One-on-one interviews with management – 4 people interviewed z Analysis of the relevance to the business from the perspective of the impact on financial capital z Analysis of risks and opportunities and environmental and social impacts ESG risk and opportunity analysis 3 4 z Internal validation z Final materiality matrix z Validation of indicators for disclosure Materiality matrix 5 For the financial year 2023, there were no changes in the value chain, thus the analysis and process carried out in 2022 remain valid: The only update on the material aspects is the transposition of the material aspect Food Waste Management into the chapter in the Energy, Climate and Resources pillar for an in-depth understanding of the interconnections between efficient resource management and environmental impact. This is the form of presentation of the aspect in this year's report, and the results of the analysis of materiality and material aspects remain valid, regardless of the form of presentation. By placing Food Waste Management in this pillar, we emphasize the importance we attach not only to reducing waste, but also to optimizing the use of resources and minimizing the carbon footprint. This is particularly relevant because food waste generates greenhouse gas emissions when food decomposes in landfills, thus contributing to global warming. The analysis of double materiality included two main dimensions: z Financial materiality – this reflects the importance of material topics from a business perspective, taking an outside-in approach. This perspective allows us to understand how PENNY evolves in its economic context, what its performance is and how it positions itself in relation to the market and the competition. z Social and environmental impact – this dimension focuses on the effects that PENNY activities have on the environment and on the communities in which it operates, following an inside-out perspective. Through this, we assess how the company influences society and the environment, with the aim of identifying and responsibly managing these impacts. In the 2023 Sustainability Report, we have maintained the same materiality analysis structure as in 2022, ensuring that our report remains anchored in the realities and priorities set, allowing us to monitor progress and focus on long-term sustainability goals, covering the 18 material aspects identified. Each of these issues is examined under two main dimensions: z Business relevance dimension – which assesses the economic impact of each material aspect on the company. This analysis helps us understand how every aspect influence PENNY Romania’s development, performance, and strategic position in the market. z The dimension of the organization's impact on the community – which focuses on the effects that our activities have on the environment and society. This perspective allows us to assess and report on how we contribute to or affect the well-being of communities and the health of the environment. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PENNY ROMANIA 2023 40/256 MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL DIRECTORS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY AND GOVERNANCE ABOUT US AND OUR VALUE CHAIN ABOUT THE REPORT THE FUTURE IS MADE TODAY SUSTAINABILITY MILESTONES CONTENTS