Employer branding "We save time, not passion" Our employees are the center of our business and one of the most important categories of stakeholders. Thus, our employer brand and our value proposition as an employer are essential elements for our company. It is not just our reputation that is important when it comes to our position as an employer. With every action we have in mind the effective communication of what we have to offer uniquely as an employer but also what we expect in return, thus ensuring that we attract candidates who align with our principles and values. The communication campaigns organized in 2023 aimed to centrally communicate the key elements that describe our work environment. Preserve the flavor of your planned meals 1 bought casserole = 1 chance at a hot meal Through the loyalty campaign "Preserve the flavor of your planned meals", with the purchase of each glass container or the stainless-steel container with a bamboo lid, customers have accumulated bonus points. The revenues from the sale of these products were directed to the "Put an extra portion at the table" program carried out in partnership with the Save the Children organization, which aimed to offer a daily hot meal for 70 children from educational centers in Bucharest. PENNY și Organizația Salvați Copiii continuă progamul “Pune o porție în plus la masă”, menit să ofere zilnic o masă caldă copiilor din centrele educaționale ale organizației. De data aceasta, 40 de copii din Târgoviște, care participă zilnic la programul educațional de tip “Școală după Școală”, se vor bucura de sprijinul nostru pentru o perioadă de 3 luni. Pune o porție în plus la masă. Economisim bani, nudrag s e Cumpără unul sau mai multe articole sportive din gama SuporteRo și o parte din banii obținuți din vânzări vor merge către dezvoltarea unui pachet de servicii educaționale și sociale, dedicat sprijinului acestor copii. CSR – part of the Loyalty campaigns SUSTAINABILITY STEP BY STEP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY GRI & SASB INDEX ASSURANCE OF SELECTED NON-FINANCIAL INDICATORS