Discover the world with each plush! 1 toy bought = 1 chance at a canteen And in 2023 we continued the series of our plush campaigns, this year developing the theme of exotic animals, offering the little ones the experience of discovering the world through play. Thus, customers were able to purchase plush toys at preferential prices, with a 60% discount. Using the PENNY card, each point obtained was doubled, and the 5 points collected on the collector's slip were given the discount for a plush toy. The revenues recorded from this campaign were directed to the project to build the social canteen in the Buftea Community Center, developed in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Romania. Economisim bani, nudra s e construiește cu noi o cantină pentru copiii defavorizați JUCĂRIE CUMPĂRATĂ 1 ȘANSĂ LA O CANTINĂ 1= Cu fiecare pluș cumpărat sprijini finalizarea cantinei din cadrul Centrului Comunitar Buftea. Campanie valabilă în limita stocului disponibil, în perioada 09.08 – 31.10.2023. Regulament disponibil pe SUSTAINABILITY STEP BY STEP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY GRI & SASB INDEX ASSURANCE OF SELECTED NON-FINANCIAL INDICATORS