Training sessions We continued the compliance training program carried out throughout the year, and in 2023 we achieved: 579 participants 967 hours training 73 managers 749 hours Compliance 506 colleagues in executive positions 216 hours Anti-trust 2 hours other types of courses Physical courses The compliance training program is based on detailed risk analysis that identifies risk subjects and functions that are vulnerable depending on their exposure and the specifics of the activity. The courses are focused on the most important compliance topics, namely: ethics, anti-corruption, fair competition, anti-money laundering, antifraud, GDPR. The sessions can be organized either physically or online, through the own E-learning platform, and some of the topics include a "refresher" format that ensures the updating of knowledge after a certain period from the initial course. This training not only supports compliance at our company level, but also contributes to the professional development of our employees, who accumulate valuable information on business practices. In addition, all PENNY employees, regardless of their position, received communications related to anti-corruption policies and procedures. 100% of the members of the company's governing body have become aware of these policies and have been trained. A total of 970 people participated in direct training on anti-corruption topics. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PENNY ROMANIA 2023 96/256 MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL DIRECTORS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY AND GOVERNANCE ABOUT US AND OUR VALUE CHAIN ABOUT THE REPORT THE FUTURE IS MADE TODAY SUSTAINABILITY MILESTONES CONTENTS