Raport Sustenabilitate

Interventions in the operational area We are a trusted partner and we commit our resources to developing the communities where we operate and for the vulnerable regions of the country. In order to comply with the mission of sustainable development and to minimize as much as possible the negative effects that our activities may have on society or the environment, we constantly invest resources in the following operational directions: "Employees", "Social Responsibility", "Local Communities" , "Education and Awareness" and "Food Waste Management". In 2021, we allocated over Euro 300 000 of the total value of sponsorships exclusively to social involvement projects. We collaborated with 9 not-for-profit organisations, 7 of which received financial support, in order to create a positive impact on the community. We select the projects carried out with them on the basis of our internal CSR strategy, and we have several specific internal criteria for selecting and delegating projects to the external level. Involvement of colleagues in social responsibility actions: z Shoe box – we entered into a partnership with the ”Ana și Copii” Association, we collected 50 Christmas gifts which were received by the children there. z The auction for Christmas gifts and samples – we collected over Lei 10 000 from our colleagues, and we donated the amount to the ADRA Romania Association. We continued to adapt at the operational level to deal with the pandemic context. Thus, we held awareness workshops on this topic and continued to carry out a number of activities in the online environment, such as education and training programs for our colleagues and recruitment activities. As of March 2020, PENNY employees at headquarters have been working from home to a large extent where possible. A digital platformwas created specifically to facilitate collaboration regardless of the location of employees. The annual Strategic Conference was also held online in 2021, as was the current PENNY event series. 56 % Percentage of CSR projects in the long run (>two years) CONTENT ABOUT PENNY SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY SUSTAINABILITY STEP BY STEP SUSTAINABLE ASSORTMENT ENERGY, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY REPORT ASSURANCE GRI & SASB INDEX